Friday, January 7, 2011

Valhalla High Softball Coach Steve Sutton: Child Molester

update:  My case is reported.  To report your own case, please contact, as in all cases of
suspected child abuse, your local child protective services agency.  In San Diego That agency is:

His name is Steve Sutton.   He was 28 or so, at the time.  Unmarried.

Coach Sutton taught at Grossmont High School in the late 1970's and early 1980's.  I saw him again at Westhill High in the 1990's.

Steve Sutton molested me.

I was 16 and he was the coach for the high school softball team as well as being a teacher of sorts.  Steve groomed me.  It started with his suggestion that he massage me and then I return the favor.  The massages became increasingly sexual.

Coach Sutton told me that I looked like his ex girlfriend.  Coach sat by me on the bus to the games and spent time with me after practice, pretending to listen to what I had to say.  He knew nobody else was listening.

Steve gave me little extra tasks to do like bringing in the ball bag.  Anything to make an excuse for more time with him.

Steve Sutton gave me a job as a ball girl for the football team so that I had an excuse to be with him.

Coach Sutton molested me in the weight room.  We called it "working out."

Steve Sutton called my pubic hairs and what lay beyond them "Muffy".

He and I spent many hours in the back of his silver van.

Steve allowed me into his home, he allowed me to drink alcohol and use drugs there.  He molested me there.
He came to my parent's home.  He encouraged me to use drugs and Steve molested me there.

Coach Sutton told me that when I turned 18 we would date and he made me believe that I would marry him.

MP lived there.  A student, I'm not sure how he ended up in that house.  DP lived there, I think some of the brothers.

By the time it was over, I had been passed from one to the next, three adult men in that same home.  I was lured by another coach from another school, and then another teacher made an attempt.  Were they a little network?

He encouraged it so that I would detach, clingy young girl that I was.  I think he wanted or was having my best friend, (NB).  I was the one that brought her to his home and introduced her to the freedoms that he offered there.

I've never really said it out loud.  Other than when I tried to report it.  Nobody cared, Nobody listened.  Grossmont Union High School District. Superintendent. Sheriff's Department.  Nobody listened, or if they did, they never acknowledged it to me.

He married a woman named Carole  Carole Sutton.  How did she not know?

You will know this is true by it's existence.  Nobody that didn't molest a student would allow something like this to stay public.

Hey Steve, remember when you told me, when I was sitting in that black Z car that you drove;  "I won't deny it if you tell."

I'm telling.

What's justice? 

Patricia Sue Lundberg

originally posted 1/7/2011 1:15am


santeez finest said...

Bitch stop trying to get your fifteen minutes of fame. I think it's funny how all theses years later now when he is in the light you decide to make these accusation to spoil his light keep your your bullshit lies to your self

T said...

am i famous? how so? what light was he in? i missed the light. all i did was write the truth on a blog and one of your compadres with a polished silver seven pointer made it into a new case.
if your sorry friend, steve, had told the truth when he was asked this spring, nothing would have happened to him.
he got caught lying.
so, whatever i wrote in january,
steve is the one that chose to lie about it when he was asked. the california education code and the penal code couldn't have touched him had he told the truth about molesting me and at least one other person at that home and in that van.
he could have sat in a room and finished up as a star instead of having to resign under pressure.
because of his lie about molesting me, not because he molested me.
(i know, law is your love but you're not lawyer)
it's called infamous, btw... there's nothing fun about showing my face and telling this kind of story..

Anonymous said...

He resigned to end it. you ran him out of his job cause you wanted to be famous and lie why would wait all this time to tell a stupid lie

T said...

Steve Sutton resigned because he got caught lying and was facing discipline over LYING.

If you're so fucking sure of yourself, why not put your name and face next to your comment??

Fame as motivation? I would have picked someone much more significant in life if I had wanted to make up a lie about someone for fame. I don't even live in the East County. You know there are other places, don't you?

Steve Sutton isn't really anything other than a football coach that takes advantage of young girls on softball teams and looks the other way while his football players "juice".

He's nobody. I know a lot of people that really count in life that I could have "lied" about if I had truly wanted to be (in)famous.

BTW, you're not as anonymous as you would like to think that you are.

Anonymous said...

Since you seem so interested in who we are…

I attended Grossmont High School with your sister Sharon. We were in the band together - all four years. She was a pretty good French horn player. I was a pretty good sax player. I never knew you: didn’t even know Sharon had a sister until this year.

Fast forward 30-some odd years. East county is my home. I'm a local executive. I was an elected official for more than ten years. I love our community and the great sense of pride VHS parents, students and teachers share.

Both of my children attend(ed) VHS. My son played football for Coach Steve Sutton. My daughter, currently a junior and straight-A student, had Steve as a coach and L-O-V-E-S him. "One of the best teachers I've ever met" (she said 'Hi' to him just tonight at the VHS football game. She said he's looking great).

I spent an enormous amount of time volunteering for Steve and his organization. Though we didn’t always see eye to eye (parents of football players rarely do with their sons’ coaches) I consider it an honor to call him a friend.

Steve Sutton created things in east county. He created team spirit and pride. He created winning teams for the kids he coached: something they will cherish their entire lives. His students learned the value of teamwork, discipline and perseverance. A vast number of people from several generations will tell you they are better for having known Steve Sutton.

And you? My layman’s *opinion* is that you are the product of an abusive, lonely life - whether it was your parents or friends, too many narcotics - or not enough oxygen: the WHAT doesn't really matter. What matters to me is the WHY. I am sure we will never know.

Why am I taking time to post to your wonderful blog? I thought you might be interested in the “pulse” of what your campaign has created. In a nutshell: nothing. Quite to the contrary, you have embarrassed your family’s once-good name. You did not destroy Steve Sutton. You did not affect our memories of what he accomplished: our community is much stronger and smarter than that. You have merely and unwittingly capitalized on the weak leadership of GUHSD by putting them in a no-win situation. You DID trash the ambitions of Steve and his student athletes – the ones who were counting on him to coach them to yet another winning year. Some of them were seniors: you took that from them. Nice work.

And perhaps worst of all, you undermined the confidence of our teachers in those same District leaders, teachers who work long and hard to make a difference in our community. Now they ask themselves, “What will the district do to me if someone like ‘JavGirl’ turns their nutty keyboard my way?”

Thanks for that: I’d rather our teachers worry about things like… their students. GOOD JOB.

T said...

Still Anonymous, of course...
Bringing up the band and my sister means nothing to me. But of course, you don't want your good name associated with a child molester in print??

Anonymous supporters of steve are either child molesters themselves or just stupid.

Or, mr. "i played saxophone and am an executive" you know down deep I'm telling the truth.

Of course it took a lot of trauma to get me to a place where i was vulnerable to a shit like steve, agreed. Child molesters depend on a few of us who have been traumatized and are being neglected.

btw, my dad thought I "loved" steve too. He didn't know that steve molested me AND OTHERS until this year when GUHSD made this blog an issue.

Go molest a kid or defend child molesters anonymously on another blog. I don't even think of steve any longer.

My entire softball team knows what he did to me. THey found out about this blog and reached otu to reassure me that,looking back, of course they knew. They watched me change from a happy girl to a confused and angry girl because my first boyfriend was a child molester. They watched him interact with me and thought it was odd, but we were KIDS.

I didn't know anything about sex nor did they.

They all remembered a specific incident on the softball field and it only now makes sense to them.

I don't CARE who you are, I'm just well aware that you have JUST ENOUGH DOUBT about SLIMEBALL STEVE to not put your "GOOD NAME" next to your ignorant comment.


Dumbshit.. can't see a molester right there next to you.. be mad at him, not me. He resigned when his defense against me was FREE. FREE attorney to fight me.

Would you cave to a false accusation from one "crazy" person from 30 years ago if it was just that person agaiinst you and your FREE union rep/attorney? Don't you wonder why the slimeball quit?? He stuck his dick in my mouth and he got caught LYING ABOUT IT.

So, he's in his little mess because of his lie not even his molests.

If he's ok, why so much vitriol pointed at me? Are you a Christian, too?

Any teachers that don't want a crazy woman to write about how they were molested on a blog.. should not molest.... EASY:

I've stated before I had many, many male coaches and dozens of teachers that never felt the need to molest me and won't find their names on my blog with the details of the molest. Don't stick your dick in a student's mouth and you probably won't end up getting told on someday.

Either way, you, dear commentor, are literally nobody to me other than lonely on a friday night.

Maybe if your daughter's had looked more like "Big Al" Steve would have paid special attention to them like he did to me.

Steve Sutton is a fun guy deeply involved in East County Sports.
Steve Sutton is a child molester.


Anonymous said...

this guy used to slap my ex girlfriends butt in PE class and during softball. he didnt like me very much as a person, because i stood up to him and thought he was a bad person. always had something bad to say about me and he told all the girls in his classes not to date me because i was a "punk." great coach, bad person. i can definitely see him doing this. and a man who changes a football program in 2 years doesnt just leave, but he did. why? maybe this is it.

Anonymous said...

Wow things people will say to get attention. Seriously doubt coach would jepordize his job for you.

T said...

no, coach sutton would not risk his job for me, now. but when i was a virginal 15 year old, he couldn't help but put his cock in my mouth... so he did risk his job to have sexual relations with 15 and 16 year old girls.
he resigned to protect his income.
and if you believed what you wrote, you would have put your real identity in instead of posting as an anonymous troll.

p.s. i know more important people that i could have accused had i wanted attention. former coach and child molester sutton means nothing to anyone outside of san diego's east county.

Anonymous said...

Hi,thanks for speaking out.I don't know you but I believe you.I too was molested as a child by a close relative.He never got persecuted for what he did.I too came out to my family and they didnt support me.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who believes people and children lie about molestation are: a) going to have kids who likely get molested due to their ignorance, b) they were molested themselves and the scar runs too deep and is too dark for the conscious mind to comprehend, c) they are pedophiles themselves.
If Steve Sutton decided to have his way and use his coach power to molest teen girls, there's no doubt in my mind he'd fantasize about even younger children and their innocence.

CONGRATULATIONS for having the will power to speak. I came out at 15 and said [NAME REDACTED] from Miramar (Broward-County) South Florida, molested me from ages 6-12. He sure loved the touching game. I was an angry teenager, and told the world at 15, but didn't have the guts to face him in court. I didn't want to spend another second looking at his disgusting pedophile smirk/face. His family decided not to believe me & deem me a liar like the cynical anonymous posts above. Now, his grandchildren are playing the touching game. What a coincidence!!? It's iiiinevitable,[sic] folks. Karma will [redacted-offensive content], and that makes me jump for joy. TRUTH will forever and always come out... and life has a way to confirm the stories of those accused of lying. Never doubt that ;)

T said...

to the person that commented with the name of your abuser. it's not that i don't believe you, but i would be foolish to allow you to anonymously post the name of your molester on my blog. ( there may be other people with that name who are innocent, in that same area. )

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