Friday, January 7, 2011

Valhalla High Softball Coach Steve Sutton: Child Molester

update:  My case is reported.  To report your own case, please contact, as in all cases of
suspected child abuse, your local child protective services agency.  In San Diego That agency is:

His name is Steve Sutton.   He was 28 or so, at the time.  Unmarried.

Coach Sutton taught at Grossmont High School in the late 1970's and early 1980's.  I saw him again at Westhill High in the 1990's.

Steve Sutton molested me.

I was 16 and he was the coach for the high school softball team as well as being a teacher of sorts.  Steve groomed me.  It started with his suggestion that he massage me and then I return the favor.  The massages became increasingly sexual.

Coach Sutton told me that I looked like his ex girlfriend.  Coach sat by me on the bus to the games and spent time with me after practice, pretending to listen to what I had to say.  He knew nobody else was listening.

Steve gave me little extra tasks to do like bringing in the ball bag.  Anything to make an excuse for more time with him.

Steve Sutton gave me a job as a ball girl for the football team so that I had an excuse to be with him.

Coach Sutton molested me in the weight room.  We called it "working out."

Steve Sutton called my pubic hairs and what lay beyond them "Muffy".

He and I spent many hours in the back of his silver van.

Steve allowed me into his home, he allowed me to drink alcohol and use drugs there.  He molested me there.
He came to my parent's home.  He encouraged me to use drugs and Steve molested me there.

Coach Sutton told me that when I turned 18 we would date and he made me believe that I would marry him.

MP lived there.  A student, I'm not sure how he ended up in that house.  DP lived there, I think some of the brothers.

By the time it was over, I had been passed from one to the next, three adult men in that same home.  I was lured by another coach from another school, and then another teacher made an attempt.  Were they a little network?

He encouraged it so that I would detach, clingy young girl that I was.  I think he wanted or was having my best friend, (NB).  I was the one that brought her to his home and introduced her to the freedoms that he offered there.

I've never really said it out loud.  Other than when I tried to report it.  Nobody cared, Nobody listened.  Grossmont Union High School District. Superintendent. Sheriff's Department.  Nobody listened, or if they did, they never acknowledged it to me.

He married a woman named Carole  Carole Sutton.  How did she not know?

You will know this is true by it's existence.  Nobody that didn't molest a student would allow something like this to stay public.

Hey Steve, remember when you told me, when I was sitting in that black Z car that you drove;  "I won't deny it if you tell."

I'm telling.

What's justice? 

Patricia Sue Lundberg

originally posted 1/7/2011 1:15am

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